Upcoming Events March 2017
İstanbul - TURKEY
Date: January 17 - March 10, 2017
Group exhibition: "On Botany" by 10 artists including Ayşe Gül Süter
Place: BLOK art space Çukurcuma
Information: http://blokartspace.com/en/2016/11/09/botanik-uzerine/
Ayşe Gül Süter is a recipient of the 2016 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellowship.

Northridge, CA - USA
Date: February 11 - March 2, 2017
Exhibition:Stone Sounds: 4000 Years at Sinop Kale” by Sven Anderson in conjunction with Dr. Owen Doonan’s Exhibition Design Class
Place: California State University Northridge Art Galleries
Information: http://www.csun.edu/mike-curb-arts-media-communication/art-galleries/events/stone-sounds-4000-years-sinop-kale
This event is supported by a grant from the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

Freising - GERMANY
Date: February 20 - April 17, 2017
Group Exhibition: "AUFTAKT Rhythm Section" by 17 artists including Esra Sağlık
Place: European House of Art Upper Bavaria - Schafhof
Information: http://www.european-house-of-art.qxd8.com/exhibit.html
Esra Sağlık is a recipient of the 2015 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellowship.

Boston, MA - USA
Date: March 2, 2017
Performance: “Othello in the Seraglio” coffeehouse opera by Dr. Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol
Place: Emerson/Paramount Center, Jackie Liebergott Black Box Theatre
Information: http://sanlikol.com/othello-in-the-seraglio/
Dr. Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol is a recipient of the 2012 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

New Haven, CT - USA
Date: March 2-3, 2017
Conference presentation: "Occult Texts in Murad III’s Court at the Dawn of the Second Islamic Millennium" by Dr. Özgen Felek at the conference “Magic and the Occult in Islam and Beyond”
Place: The MacMillan Center - Yale University
Information: http://cmes.macmillan.yale.edu/event/magic-and-occult-islam-and-beyond
Dr. Özgen Felek is a recipient of the 2008 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Sharjah - UAE
Date: March 4-24 , 2017
Workshop: "Walking as Learning to See" by Roberley Bell
Place: American University of Sharjah School of Architecture
Information: https://www.aus.edu/info/200170/college_of_architecture_art_and_design
Roberley Bell is a recipient of the 2015 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellowship.

Date: March 7, 9, 14, 16, 17, 2017
Concert: Ferit Odman touring with Kenan Doğulu for his new jazz project “İhtimaller”
Place: Ankara, Kayseri, İzmir, Mersin, Konya
Information: https://www.instagram.com/p/BQ0p3vuAeLk/
Ferit Odman is a recipient of the 2012 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellowship.

Date: March 10 - April 7, 2017
Exhibition: "Sudden Stop" Exhibition by Fraser Stewart & Özgür Demirci
Place: Corridor Project Space
Information: http://www.corridorprojectspace.com/
Özgür Demirci is a recipient of the 2014 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellowship.

Ankara - TURKEY
Date: March 10-11, 2017
Participation: “Workshops Past, Present and Future of Traditional Turkish Arts” by Dr. Recep Karadağ, TCF Cultural Heritage Preservation and Natural Dyes Laboratory-DATU, organized by the Republic of Turkey Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language, and History.
Place: Atatürk Culture Centre
Information: http://www.akmb.gov.tr/en/

İstanbul - TURKEY
Date: March 24, 2017
Concert: Ferit Odman Quintet
Place: Salon IKSV
Information: http://www.saloniksv.com/en/about-us
Ferit Odman is a recipient of the 2012 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellowship.

Austin, TX - USA
Date: March 24-25, 2017
Participation: Suraiya Faroqhi is participating as a keynote speaker at the "Rethinking Late Ottoman Civilization Symposium."
Place: The College of Liberal Arts, The University of Texas at Austin
Information: https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/mes/events/conferences/late-ottoman-civilization/index.php
Suraiya Faroqhi is a recipient of the 2015 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Austin, TX - USA
Date: March 24-25, 2017
Participation: “Taken Hostage in Ottoman Lands: Imperial State Responses to Miss Stone Affair, American Missionaries, and Public Disorder” by Emrah Şahin at the "Rethinking Late Ottoman Civilization Symposium."
Place: The College of Liberal Arts, The University of Texas at Austin
Information: https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/mes/events/conferences/late-ottoman-civilization/index.php
Emrah Şahin is a recipient of the 2014 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

New York, NY - USA
Date: March 29 - April 30, 2017
Exhibition: "Neochronophobiq" by Emre Hüner
Place: Protocinema 43 Essex Street, New York
Information: http://www.protocinema.org/index.php?lang=en
Emre Hüner is a TCF grantee.

New York, NY - USA
Date: First Saturday of every month at 4:00 pm
Program: Turkish Story Time, a program of Makam New York
Place: Book Culture on Columbus, 450 Columbus Ave, New York, NY 10024
Information: http://makamnewyork.org/turkish-story-time-turkce-hikaye-zamani/
This program is sponsored by a grant from the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

The events listed on this newsletter require registration or invitation. For more information on how to attend, please visit the provided links.

For a listing of Turkish cultural events around the world, visit the TCF Calendar.

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