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Elegance Under Foot: Turkish Weavings
Spencer Museum of Art, 21.06.2012
This exhibition features highlights from a collection of Turkish Kilims, an amazing group of weavings that encapsulate Turkish history, culture, and tradition into astonishing designs for rugs. These Kilims all came from small villages throughout Anatolia and the Kurdish regions of Turkey, and they range in date from late 19th century through the 1960s. They offer a wonderful array of the impressive textile creations of Turkey, with all hand-dyed wools and a great variety of patterns. These flat-weave rugs provide a fascinating glimpse into an exceptional indigenous art form that would be hard to re-construct today. The kilims will interest students of Turkish culture, anthropology, art, design, religion, and history.
Made possible through the generous support of the Jedel Family Foundation and the Turkish Cultural Foundation.
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